CBOs/PWDs Consultants
Component 7: Build capacity of PWD CSOs on ODSS in Garissa and Tana River counties
Terms of References (ToR)
Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya (DESK) is part of a tripartite consortium composed of DESK, AMREF-Kenya, and SUPKEM. The consortium is working in Tana River and Garissa counties to support the” Deepening Sustainable and Equitable Increases in Family Planning in Northern Arid Land counties of Kenya” Project through funding from the John Templeton Foundation (JTF). DESK’s role in the consortium is to support the inclusion of marginalized groups in accessing Family Planning services with an emphasis on Persons with Disability. The projects will be implemented in the two counties for 3 years. As part of supporting inclusion, DESK is supporting building capacities of identified PWD CBOs in the sub-counties of Tana Delta, Tana River county, and Garissa Township and Balambala in Garissa County.
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) play a critical role in addressing community challenges in resource-poor settings. However, CSOs often lack the technical, financial, and managerial capacity to mount an effective community response to community health and other development challenges. These capacity gaps have limited the effective use of resources and have resulted in a limited impact on interventions carried out by CSOs.
As a pioneer Disabled Persons Organization in Kenya, building on years of experience working within the CSO space in community settings, DESK has developed a capacity that can be cascaded through developing and implementing the Organisational Development and Systems strengthening (ODSS) targeting Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). ODSS is a strategic capacity-building methodology or process that enhances the capacity of local organizations to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate the impact of their interventions. It is a dynamic and outcome-based participatory process that emphasizes organizational ownership.
ODSS employs a ‘twin approach’ where grantmaking is accompanied by strengthening CSO systems in the core areas of governance, financial management, administration, human resources management, networking and advocacy, community ownership and accountability, project design and management, sustainability, knowledge management, as well as enhancing technical skills in any specific intervention.
In the project under consideration, component 7 output is supporting 10 local Persons with Disability (PWD) CSOs trained on Organizational Development and Systems Strengthening (ODSS) in each of the implementation counties.
Through ODSS, we will strengthen the internal systems of local CSOs for improved service delivery and sustainability. In addition, the targeted CSOs will influence policies and advocate for increased budgetary allocation of FP at county levels.
To achieve one of the deliverables of component 7, it is necessary to design and deliver the ODSS program for PWD CBO with the overall target of 20 PWD CBOs during the project period.
Thus, the project intends to engage a potential facilitator of organizations (disabled persons’ organizations/ organizations working with disabled persons/NGOs) with a notable reputation in the field of ODSS. The key responsibilities of the selected consultant will be to develop training materials, and training schedules and deliver training to selected PWD CBOs in the two counties.
3. Objective:
Through ODSS, strengthen the internal systems of 10 local CSOs each in Garissa and Tana River Counties for improved service delivery and sustainability. In addition, supporting targeted CSOs will influence policies and advocate for increased budgetary allocation of FP at county levels.
4. Consultant responsibilities
- Determine the training needs and modes of training in line with project requirements.
- Take special measures for the trainees with disabilities to ensure access to the training center, workshop venues, or workplaces; reasonable adjustment/accommodation, presentation of information materials; transport/accommodation and support with sign-language interpretation or others, if required.
- Impart quality training to the trainees’ using logbooks and the standards of learning materials already available and/or to be developed.
5. Outputs/Deliverables.
The Consultant(s) will deliver the following outputs:
- Review of the training content based on submitted capacity assessment report (s).
- Develop a training schedule and train selected PWD CBOs.
- Report on lessons learned and successes gained in training.
6. Reporting requirements
- Detailed work plan along with an inception report.
- Report on identified and selected list of trainees of the training programs for the selected occupations.
- Progress report on completion of training of each batch as per the standards of learning materials already available and/or to be developed.
- The Assignment Completion Report of training delivery.
7. DESK’s responsibility.
The responsibility of DESK includes:
- Provide a list of pre-qualified PWD CBO in select counties.
- Provide master training materials
- Provision of sign language services during the training.
- Provision of accommodation.
- Provide the capacity assessment report.
- Monitor, supervise, and review the progress of the work.
- Provide technical support/ feedback as necessary.
- Assist in coordination with relevant stakeholders.
- Ensure payment of agreed amounts, based on performance.
- Any other tasks as described in the document of the implementation agreement.
8. Timeframe:
The duration of the agreement is for 2 months starting tentatively in January 2023.
9. Budget:
The budget should be included in the proposal.
10. Selection of implementing partners
The selected consultant/facilitator must have good knowledge of disability inclusion and will have to review the training materials based on the capacity assessment report provided, train selected 10 PWD CBO representatives per county. They must have the capability to conduct quality skill training in the areas identified in the capacity assessment report (s). The selection process will include, among others, preliminary shortlisting, followed by question-answer and discussion sessions, technical feedback/comments to them, and a final evaluation for the selection of implementing partners.
11. Final evaluation criteria and score.
The final selection of the organizations will be made based on the following technical and financial weighted scores, out of 100:
Criteria | Assessment Method | Score |
Experience in Organization Development and Systems Strengthening (ODSS) Training. | No. of years of relevant experience. No. of PWD CBO relevant assignments. | 20 |
Experience in imparting training to persons with disabilities (both male and female) | Strategies in place for promoting disability inclusion No. of persons with disabilities trained | 50 |
Budget | Overall unit cost | 30 |
13. Submission of Proposals
The DESK invites technical and financial proposals from the person to implement the assignment. The proposals should include methodology, a detailed budget, and a cover letter explaining why they are the most suitable for this assignment. Their applications must provide evidence of their demonstrated capacities against the evaluation criteria as mentioned in point 11.
An implementation agreement will be awarded based on the quality of technical and financial proposals following the DESK procurement and financial rules and regulations.
How to apply
Qualified candidates are invited to submit their proposals electronically to mercy.jeremy@deskkenya.org and addressed to Mercy Jeremy, Program Manager, Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya (DESK), or submit in hard copy to: Mercy Jeremy, Program Manager, Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya (DESK), Cylet Plaza 2011 (Former Uchumi Building), 3rd Floor, Room No. 12, Embu as early as possible, and no later than January 17, 2023 COB.
DESK reserves the right to accept or reject any application(s).