The Purpose

To support inclusive and accessible quality education targeting 3000 Deaf and Hard of Hearing learners to improve enrolment, retention, and transitional and performance rates of deaf and hard of hearing learners in grade/standard 1-8 in 10 institutions with a combined lowest national exam mean grade.

Our Target

Deaf and hard of hearing learners in primary schools for the deaf.

Project Location

Embu, Mombasa, Kilifi, Meru, Machakos Counties.

Results / Impact

Improved enrollment and performance of Deaf and Hard of hearing learners in Deaf learning institutions. There is also a high retention and transitional rate of the enrolled learners in the Deaf schools. This program has also ensured learners from needy families are supported and taken to special schools or institutions. As we continue to reach out to those from interior areas, we get to know more of the challenges faced by the families and communities having such learners.