The Purpose

The goal of the KSL training is to create awareness of the benefits of learning KSL and to eradicate the communication barriers between the Deaf and the Hearing by offering the courses at the lowest rates in the market to encourage a high number of enrolment. DESK also aims to introduce Kenya Sign Language in all public institutions like hospitals, churches, schools, courts, government offices, Saccos, and banks at an affordable fee for all staff to enable them to serve Deaf clients with ease.

Our Target

The primary target of the KSL training is to train at least 150 students per year in both our physical and online classes.


Physical and online classes

Results / Impact

The expected impact of the KSL training is that more people are made aware of the Deaf disability, and at least half of the targeted number (20,000) of beneficiaries become competent in KSL hence eradicating the communication barriers that exist between the Deaf and the Hearing and finally that KSL is introduced in all public and private institutions countrywide.