In addition to our core programs, DESK also offers other programs which include translation and interpretation, referrals of services like education, health, social, economic and referrals of parents of Deaf children to get necessary assistance.
Translation and Interpretation Program (TIP)
The Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya additionally provides Kenya Sign Language Translation and Interpretation services to public and private institutions that engage with diverse clients every day among them the Deaf to help eradicate communication barriers between the Deaf and the Hearing. Due to the diverse nature of the clients they serve, public and private institutions need an effective means of communication because their clients, whether Deaf or Hearing, expect their services to be excellent and tailored to meet the needs of their consumers.
It is in the same vein that DESK believes that Deafness should not be a hindrance to the Deaf getting quality services from whatever institution they visit. To achieve this DESK has partnered with forward-thinking institutions like private and public hospitals, courts, banks, churches, schools, SACCOs among others to provide quality translation and interpretation services when needed. Our highly trained and certified KSL interpreters are always available to meet translation and interpretation needs of various institutions by providing quality interpretation and translation services to both the Deaf and hearing.

Referrals for Services (RFS)
The Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya provides referral services that include:
- Education Referrals – Referring parents, guardians, caretakers with Deaf and hard of hearing children to best Deaf Schools and Special Needs Institutions.
- Health referrals – Referring Deaf and Hard of Hearing victims of Gender Based Violence and rape, HIV/AIDS and diseases/illness and health issues to health care facilities for treatment and guiding and counseling centers for psychological support.
- DESK firmly stands against Hearing Aids – Referring parents with Deaf children to facilities that provide hearing aids (we don’t or rather we refuse to refer parents to facilities that provide hearing aids as it’s against our philosophy and belief – One has to accept the fact that they are Deaf and be proud of it. Hearing aids do not help one to hear or restore the sense of hearing).
- Social referrals – DESK refers to parents with Deaf children and also Deaf clients to a psychiatrist in matters concerning social life. We also refer them to social services, social protection, Police and judiciary in matters concerning their rights, laws and legal process.
- Economic referrals – DESK refers the Deaf and Hard of Hearing beneficiaries to county and national government offices for essential documents like business registrations, licenses, disability cards and tax exemption certificates. We also refer them to where they can get financial support like: Loans, Youth fund, bursaries, Uwezo Fund, women fund, government tenders/procurement opportunities.