Project Title: Breaking the Silence Around Gender Based Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Meru, Embu and Isiolo Counties.
Activity: Translation of key messages from local and international laws and policies (Sexual Offences Act, Protection Against Domestic Violence Act, CEDAW) into simpler English language and KSL messages.

  1. Introduction:
    Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya (DESK) is a registered non-governmental, non-partisan, and not-for-profit organisation for and of Deaf persons in Kenya. DESK has an overarching goal of being a leading thought-leader in all matters affecting the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Kenya and all over the world as it seeks to ensure equal opportunities in all walks of life for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons throughout Kenya. This support is in terms of advocacy, health, education, and capacity building, and political, social, and economic empowerment.
    DESK’s Vision is to improve the lives and the life chances of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons and other People with Disabilities in Kenya while our Mission is to advance Deaf and other persons’ with disabilities independence and empowerment in Kenya by increasing access to economic resources and entrepreneurship, education, and training, community leadership, and human rights advocacy.
    Our overall strategy seeks to ensure that ‘’No one is left behind’’, by entrenching the ‘Nothing for us without Us’ mantra in all our projects and by ensuring the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and other persons with disabilities are fully involved in the ideation, designing, implementation, and monitoring, and evaluation of interventions targeting them. This is through supporting disability mainstreaming, disability-specific as well as twin-tracked approaches in our programming.
    Our strategy is designed to bring effective transformational change to the lives and communities of persons with disabilities living in abject poverty, by becoming a leading organisation in Disability-Inclusive Development in Kenya.
    In reference to this, DESK is seeking a competent consultant to translate key messages from local and international laws and policies (Sexual Offences Act, Protection Against Domestic Violence Act, CEDAW) into simpler English language and KSL messages.