Locations: Tana River and Garissa
Boosting the Economic Self-reliance of Deaf Women and Youth in Kenya
Locations: Embu, Meru, Nyamira, Migori & Vihiga
The Semi-Arid Lands Sustainable Water and Livelihoods (SASWAL) Project
Locations: Kavengero, Kanyuambora, Kiriari & Mariuri
Kenya Sign Language Training Project
Locations: Physical & Online Classes
Essential food and Non-Food Distribution Project
Locations: The 47 counties of Kenya
Enhancing the Educational Outcomes of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners
Locations: Embu, Mombasa, Kilifi, Meru & Machakos
Reducing and Mitigating Gender-Based Violence against Deaf Women and Girls in Kenya
Locations: Embu & Meru
Deaf Livelihoods Development Activity Project
Locations: The 47 counties of Kenya
Jude is the Income Generating Assistant at the Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya. She manages one of DESK’s Income Generating Activities, the organization’s General Shop.
She has extensive experience in sales and marketing and Client relations and engagement having worked as a Sales Assistant in various companies. She holds an O-Level Certificate from St. Williams Mutheu High School in Kitui and a Diploma in Cosmetology from Embu College in Embu County.
At DESK, Jude takes inventories of products and sales of DESK’s Income Generating Activities, conducts sales and marketing of products, and provides recommendations to the management on other potential Income Generating Activities for implementation.