Locations: Tana River and Garissa
Boosting the Economic Self-reliance of Deaf Women and Youth in Kenya
Locations: Embu, Meru, Nyamira, Migori & Vihiga
The Semi-Arid Lands Sustainable Water and Livelihoods (SASWAL) Project
Locations: Kavengero, Kanyuambora, Kiriari & Mariuri
Kenya Sign Language Training Project
Locations: Physical & Online Classes
Essential food and Non-Food Distribution Project
Locations: The 47 counties of Kenya
Enhancing the Educational Outcomes of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Learners
Locations: Embu, Mombasa, Kilifi, Meru & Machakos
Reducing and Mitigating Gender-Based Violence against Deaf Women and Girls in Kenya
Locations: Embu & Meru
Deaf Livelihoods Development Activity Project
Locations: The 47 counties of Kenya
Joy Kanana is the Deputy CEO/Deaf Women and Girls Empowerment Program Director of the Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya. Joy oversees an effective outreach effort, with an emphasis on reaching out to undeserved Deaf and Hard of Hearing populations. She specializes in reaching out to “hard-to-reach” extremely poor and marginalized Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons to find their priority needs and rights issues via outreach evaluation and research to inform the design of context-specific projects and activities that address their issues. Joy works with the CEO to constantly improve and enhance the services offered by the organization. At DESK, she maintains close working relationships with representatives of the community organizations, government agencies, schools, media and businesses-DESK stakeholders.
Prior to joining DESK, Joy worked with Africa Yoga Project, Nairobi as a teacher of the Deaf and a ToT (Trainer of Trainees) of PWDs adults in self-advocacy and self-reliance. Joy brings to the organization 7+ experience in community/stakeholders mobilization, skills training, as well as Deafness and development. Joy holds a diploma in community development from Mountain View College Kenya.